UPCOMING LITTERS 2025 | Australian Cobberdog Puppies Available
Its always exciting when it comes to the time of creating new puppies. Finding the perfect stud to compliment our girls is priority. All our dogs are DNA tested, and hip scored to strive for healthy pups and healthy partnerships of sire and dame.
Below are our expected litters, timing may vary a bit as it really is down to mother nature. You can read more information on our parent dogs in the Handsome Lads and Lovely Ladies section. Just hover on the arrow and click the name you are looking for.
We often have visiting studs that belong to other breeders, for these dogs we will include their hip and elbow information below .
February 2025
Scawoo You Are My Sunshine
Aka Yindi | Whispering Praire Fox
Aka Fox from Karrah Creek (Visiting Stud) |
Yindi is a beautiful small standard size girl. A leggy red head that turns heads wherever she goes. Not only is she beautiful but she also boasts an exceptional temperament and her guardian mumma has invested alot of time into her to make her a very polite, sweet girl. Yindi is a very affectionate cobberdog lady and makes you feel very special. Her eye contact is exceptional, when she stares deep into your eyes the connection is palpable. We are very excited for Yindi x Fox pups we expect a litter of lovebugs.
Yindi is red, 56 cm and weighs 21.5 kg. | Fox came all the way from America and brings ome lovely diversity. Diversity helps keep our lines healthy. Fox also has one of the best temperaments you will find, soft, kind and cuddly.
Fox is gold parti, he is 50 cm and weighs 16 kg
Hips: Excellent - Distraction Index (DI) - Right DI = 0.45, Left DI = 0.47. |
Expected Sizes, Medium to Small Standard
Due at the end of February
Availability- once puppies arrive we will open up any extra availability | Expected Colours, Blonde to red with minimal white markings
Guardian opportunity: we will be placing a female into a guardian home. Express interest via our guardian puppy page |
April 2025
Scawoo Goodbye Astrid Goodbye
Aka Astrid | Rutlands Showstopper
Aka Zorro |
Astrid is such a pretty girl inside and out. She exudes joy and lives an adventurous life. But this lovely lady has the most affectionate temperament and loves to initiate a cuddle with a tap of her paw, She also gifts visitors with a toy.
Astrid is red with white markings, she is 45 cm and weighs 15 kg | Zorro is an incredible dog. He is exceptionally calm and seriously does no wrong. His nickname is My Mr Perfect, As well as his amazing loyal, gentle, sweet temperament he also sports some of the best hips in the business which is awesome.
Zorro is cafe parti, he is 50 cm and weighs 16.5 kg. |
Expected sizes are mediums
Due beginning of April pregnancy will be confirmed at the end of February
1 space available
Once pups arrive we open up any extra availability | Expected colours are blonde to red and raven with minimal white markings and blonde to red and raven partis
Guardian opportunity: we will be placing a female into a guardian home. Express interest via our guardian puppy page |
July 2025
Scawoo Genie In A Bottle
Aka Aggie | Karrah Sunlit Fred
Ake Fred (Visiting Stud) |
What a beauty this girl is!
Her colouring is so delicate and quite devine, but most importantly her temperament is spot on. She has such a gentle nature, an absolute sweetheart, who is friendly, soft with just a little bit of goofiness.We are so happy with how Aggie has matured and she has so many beautiful traits to pass on.
Aggie loves beach walks and water
Aggie is blonde rose with white, she is 46 cm and weighs 14 kg | Fred is from Karrah Creek, he is human focused with a high aptitude for training, he is also a bundle of fun and often makes his guardian family laugh with his goofy antics.He is social and outgoing and with his beautiful temperament, gorgeous light density straight coat, and lovely conformation brings all these beautiful traits to pass on to his progeny.
Fred is red rose, he is 48cm and 16 kg, Hips: Excellent - Distraction Index (DI) - Right DI = 0.49, Left DI = 0.38. |
Expected sizes are small medium to medium
Aggies heat cycle is expected in April
Guardian opportunity: we will be placing a female into a guardian home. Express interest via our guardian puppy page | Expected colours are blonde to red rose and all the shades of red and golden in-between. (rose refers to the pigment, all this litter will have liver/rose pigment and light eyes) Some pups will have minimal white markings |
Scawoo Lily Of The Valley
Aka Lillibet/Betty | Sire to be decided |
Lovely Lillibet is a perfect example of a cobberdog. She is friendly, gentle and kind. She is also super affectionate and will curl up on your lap if you stop for a moment. She is also goofy and comical, giving is some good old belly laughs
Lillibet had her first litter in 2024 with great feedback from all the families and we expect her next litter to be awesome too.
Lillibet is gold, 46 cm and weighs 15kg. | |
Expected Sizes, small medium | Expected colours, Gold to red |
Heat cycle due in July |
Scawoo Coco Girl
Aka Cocoa | Sire to be decided |
Cocoa is a large medium girl with a rich chocolate coat. She is a very happy girl, she loves life and exudes joyfulness. She lives a full life with her guardians, is very well socialised with other dogs and people and is often on park runs with her mum. She is connected, human focussed and just knows when you need a cuddle.
This will be Cocoa's last litter and she will then continue her fun filled life with her family.
Cocoa is chocolate and white, she is 50 cm and 18 kg. | |
Expected size
Heat cycle due mid to late 2025 | Expected colours, chocolate, blonde to gold, some with white |
To Apply For A Puppy From Any Of Our Planned Litters: Please See Our Puppies Available Section, Complete The Online Form and Send, Thankyou.
PUPPY DEPOSITS, Pet Puppy Price for 2025 is $5,500
Breeders enquiries are welcome
Puppy deposits,
The deposit is $200 and is not refundable unless of special circumstances or if for some reason we cannot provide a pup. The deposit is our commitment to each other. We encourage families to place a deposit as early as possible but when they have given considerable thought and are sure that they want a Scawoo puppy.
For the people who have already paid the deposit I will make contact once we have puppy news.
Gender: When committing to a pup, the guarantee of providing a pup is alot easier when families can be flexible on sex and colour. We can have litters with a good mix of genders but also with predominantly boys or girls, we have no say in what genders will be delivered. Cobberdogs male and female are beautiful, there are no comparable differences between the genders, making a boy or a girl a great choice . We understand sometimes gender is non negotiable for a family and that is ok, it just means occasionally a family may need to wait, if a litter is predominantly the opposite gender to what they desire.
Colour: sometimes its easy to get hung up on colour. We have cobberdogs in our program that are the full colour spectrum. each and every colour is truely beautiful, but its the dog inside that we see, not their colour. Temperament shines so much brighter than any colour.
Sometimes people may have a colour they won't accept, often the reason seems to be that their previous dog was that colour. Whilst we love flexibility its ok to express a colour that you wont except on our application. But please know that whilst we do take your preferences seriously, we do not allocate puppies based solely on colour.
If there is a colour you wont accept because of a certain reason, we will guide you to a litter where that colour wont be produced or where we will get a selection that we can work with for you.
Temperaments and energy levels do differ, even within a litter, and we need families to trust in the process. If we allocated pups based on colour this would be a disservice to us, to you and most importantly to the puppy. Example: if we have a pup that is lower energy and a pup that has med to high energy and we are allocating to two families. One family is a retired couple who like lazing at home and pottering in the garden and the other family are a very active family that enjoy a high paced lifestyle and adventures. If one of these families is very specific on colour and wont bend at all, say its the older retired couple and we give them the high energy puppy, just because its brown with white paws, this would be a disaster. The puppy wont get the life it needs, the family wont get the pup they need. They may get the pup they want based on colour but the joy of the right colour will be short lived. We will not choose pups solely on colour, for this very reason, we have enough experience to know that this does not work and we want to set families and our precious puppies up for success. Each planned litter above we give the expected colours, please ensure you are happy with all or most of the expected colours to save disappointment. Be assured,if for example you have expressed you would prefer a light puppy and we have a chocolate and a blonde and both these pups would suit your needs, then we will absolutely look at your preference and send the light puppy your way.
Size: Currently we are breeding small mediums to large medium/ small standards. We have a couple of small mediums coming up and we also have a lovely miniature. We are actively working towards a smaller line to offer ,as well as our bigger lines. We endeavour to be able to offer, mini to small mediums, true medium litters, which are right in the middle of the medium range and large medium to small standard litters.
Families need to remember that puppy sizes are estimates based on the parents size, however because cobberdogs have different sizes in their genetic history sometimes they may be a bit smaller or bigger than we expect.
Manners and expectations: If you are waiting on a puppy from a litter, the litter has arrived and we have confirmed that we will have a puppy for you, please confirm that you are happy to proceed or not. When our litters get full and we get extra applications, we begin telling people we dont have anything available, and if they dont want to wait, we suggest another breeder to them. When a family then changes their mind about a puppy at last minute, this is unfair on us and the puppy. We have allowed great homes to go and then we have a puppy, so ready for a new home but without one. Please be considerate! We allocate puppies at 7 weeks and they then go to homes at 8 weeks or a day or two later. Please have this in your calendar and be prepared. Once pups arrive we will give you a timeline of dates and also our extensive puppy guide so families can start preparing.We have your best interests at the forefront and we just ask that families also be empathetic and thoughtful towards us.
Waiting List: people can request to be put on a waitlist however if you are really invested in an upcoming puppy a deposit is a great way to secure your spot.
Interstate puppies/flying puppies: for people further away who can't travel to pick up their puppy we can offer to fly your puppy. Puppies fly all over Australia and overseas without issues all the time and its a very common and safe way to transport pups.
When we fly pups we choose to drive them to the airport ourselves, we get up bright and early, give them a small feed and play, play play with them to tire them out before their flight. We also prepare flying pups with exposure to crates and by playing airport noise cd's to accustom them to some of the things they will encounter.
Puppies get a fit to fly check at the vet to ensure they are fit and healthy to make the flight and we deliver a happy , healthy prepared pup to the airport.
The beautiful thing about puppies is how they live in the moment, they generally bound into their new families lives and adapt quickly.
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A red cobberdog pup with black pigment
A chocolate brown cobberdog pup with sustained eye contact
A red/ gold cobberdog puppy
Red and white parti factored australian cobberdog pup
Where it all began our first cobber, Blondie
Murphy a school well being dog
A raven cobber pup enjoying soome human connection
Want to become an Australian Cobberdog Breeder?
The Australian Cobberdog is a purebreed in development and we do need new ethical breeders who are caring , loving people who are passionate about dogs to also help move the breed forward.
Breeding isn't easy, but for those who dont mind hard work and have an interest in bettering the breed it can be very rewarding. If this is something that may interest you reach out and we can have a chat.
A Scawoo puppy from us to you, to love and treasure forever and ever !!